Saturday 20 February 2010


Inspection slams North Yorkshire Cafcass as inadequate
By Ross Watson

Children & Young People Now

10 August 2009

The Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service (Cafcass) in North Yorkshire and Humberside is failing to drive up low standards, with problems across a number of areas of service delivery and management, according to a damning inspection report from Ofsted.

The report rated the Cafcass area as inadequate, listing a number of weaknesses, including case planning, assessment, intervention, direct work, complaints handling, equality and diversity and the overall promotion of improved outcomes for children and young people.

"Prior to the inspection the leadership of the service had not accurately assessed the amount of change required to achieve sustained improvement in service delivery to children and families," stated the report. "The service area has now assessed appropriately that its most significant weaknesses are in the effectiveness of its performance improvement and the accountability of staff and managers."

Cafcass chief executive Anthony Douglas said poor performance had been underpinned by a "very particular set of local difficulties" which had been already been addressed, but the inspection had come while the new management was still bedding in.

But he confessed that Cafcass needs to do more as a national organisation.

"Perhaps we didn't drill down enough into the detail of what was happening on the ground," he said. "We're learning that you can't take anything for granted in a frontline service. Things can deteriorate on the ground very quickly and as a national organisation you must to stay on top of it. We need to improve on that and not intervene too late."

The inspection report acknowledged that the new management had not yet had time to make an impact in some areas. It also highlighted a good track record in meeting demand, and satisfactory performances in safeguarding and delivering the Every Child Matters outcome for staying safe.

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